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Practical Music

I cordially introduce the Korea Culture & Arts Association for Citizens with Developmental Disabilities ‘ArtWecan’ who has created a beautiful world with special talents of people with disabilities.

팝밴드 슈가슈가

POP 밴드 ‘슈가슈가’는 발달장애인도 서로를 배려하며 조화롭게 연주할 수 있음을 보여 주기위해 음악을 전공하는 발달장애인으로 구성된 POP 밴드입니다
2015년 9월 결성되어 지금까지 2015 슈퍼블루마라톤대회 개막공연, 2015 한국해외봉사단원의 밤, 2016 스페셜올림픽의 밤, 2016 ACC월드뮤직페스티벌 등 크고 작은 행사에서 50 여회의 공연을 펼친 바 있으며 특히 2017 전국발달장애인 음악축제에서 최우수상을 수상하여 그 실력을 인정 받은 멋진 팝밴드다.

The ‘Sugar Sugar’ is a POP band consisting of people with developmental disabilities who major in music to show that people with developmental disabilities can play music harmoniously with each other.
It was established in September 2015 and has made over 50 performances including, 2015 Super Blue Marathon opening ceremony, 2015 Korea Overseas Volunteer Night, 2016 Special Olympics Night and 2016 ACC World Music Festival. Also, ‘Sugar Sugar’ is recognised for its talent by winning the Grand Prize at the Great Music Festival (National Music Festival for the people with developmental disabilities